Risk Assessments

Enterprise Risk Assessments

Do it right or don’t do it at all

Electing to form a captive to cover enterprise risks is more complicated than simply finding a low cost structure or captive manager. Using our experience and expertise, Captives Insure will provide your organization with the data and expert opinion on if an enterprise risk captive is right for you and what the optimal structure may be. Our Enterprise Risk Assessment provides you with an unbiased overview of the risks facing your business in order to help you determine how to best fund for future losses.

If we believe that forming an enterprise risk captive is right for your firm, we’ll also provide an independent evaluation of multiple risk distribution methods, captive management structures, domiciles, potential captive insurance company performance, and the potential risks involved.  This independent approach and expert advice will help you make the right decision for your business without having to weed through the biased messaging of individual captive managers. 

People meeting around a table.